Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some basic interview questions on Electronics Communication

  1. Give the interpolation formula for the reconstruction of the original signal g(t) from the sequence of sample values {g(n/2W)}.
  1. Define quadrature sampling.
  2. Give the expression for aliasing error and the bound for aliasing error.
  3. What is meant by prediction error?
  4. Mention types of companding?
  5. Define ADPCM.
  6. What is meant by forward and backward estimation?
  7. What is an eye pattern?
  8. What is the width of the eye?
  9. What is sensitivity of an eye?
  10. Why do we go for Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure?
  11. State the balance property of random binary sequence.
  12. Mention about the run property.
  13.  Give the correlation property of random binary sequence.
  14.  What are the three codes used for the anti jamming application ?
  15. What is slow frequency hopping?
  16. What is fast frequency hopping?
  17. What are the two function of fast frequency hopping?
  18.  What are the features of code Division multiple Accesses?
  19. What is called multipath Interference?

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Casillas said...
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