You’ve mentioned x under the Interests & Activities on your CV. Can you tell me a bit more about that?
Alternative and related questions
What activities do you enjoy outside work?
What are you interested in outside work?
The meaning behind the question
There are a variety of possible reasons an interviewer might ask this question:
• They’re trying to get some insight into your personality and character.
• They’re testing to see how truthful you’ve been on your CV.
• They’ve run out of other questions and are killing time!
Besides knowing whether you’re capable of actually doing the job, most employers are keen to know what sort of a person you would be like to work alongside. Employers are generally keen to have a diversity of characters within their team and are always on the lookout for someone who can add a new dimension to the team.
Whilst nobody has yet conducted a survey specifically to research this, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of recruiters deciding to call someone in for an interview purely as a result of what they’ve included on their CV under Interests & Activities. I, for one, will admit to having done so when hiring.
Your answer
This is a very simple question to answer – provided, as always, that you’ve prepared for it in advance. If you have a hobby that makes for an interesting talking point at the interview then it will reflect positively on you as an individual.
You should, of course, be able to back up anything you’ve listed on your CV. If you mention chess to give your CV some intellectual clout, but haven’t actually played since your were at school, then you could well come a cropper in your interview if your interviewer turns out to be a chess fan and asks you which openings to the game you favour.
It’s always a good idea if you can subtly slip in mention of any positions of responsibility you hold outside work. If your passion is, for example, football, and you’re also the captain of the local team then do say so.
Besides the obvious selling point of football being a team activity (and hence your being a ‘team player’), you’ve immediately communicated your leadership qualities, your ability to take responsibility for others, your ability to commit yourself to a project, etc.
I’ve always been fascinated by planes. I remember my first flight as a child; it was a thrilling experience. Even though I understand the science behind it, I’m still in awe each and every time I see a plane clear the runway. It’s quite an expensive hobby to pursue but, as soon as I could afford to do so, I started taking flying lessons. I gained my private pilot licence, went on to qualify as an instructor and I’m now a senior member of my local flying club. Whilst it’s not something I’ve ever wished to pursue as a career, I do enjoy giving the occasional lesson and generally participating in the club community. It’s definitely something about which I’m very passionate.
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