This code hides your secret message into an image [steganography]. Copy the below code and execute in your matlab.
function []=txthide(arg)
% TXTHIDE Hides text message (MSG) within an image, using a key (KEY).
% After typing txthide at the command line, a GUI appears that will guide
% the user through the process of encoding the text. The maximum length of
% text that can be encoded is 1000 characters. This could be
% modified, but represents a good comprimise between speed and
% functionality on the author's computer.
% Text can be hidden in a bitmap (*.bmp), a tif (*.tif) or a jpg (*.jpg ).
% However, the encoded image can only be saved as a bitmap or
% tif; the jpg format uses compression and the decoder will not return the
% correct MSG if the user tries to save the encoded image in this
% format.
% Any character from a common keyboard can be encoded, including the
% shifted characters and numbers, such as !@#$%^&*()_+123 etc.
%-----------------------------USER NOTES-------------------------------%
% 1. User may hit the 'Return' key while typing the MSG, but this is NOT
% recommended, as the formatting will not be preserved on decoding,
% and the string length counter will not display the correct string
% length. Similarly for the 'Tab' key, use spaces instead.
% 2. User should NOT hit the 'Return' key as part of the decoding KEY.
if nargin==0
arg = 'initialize';
% Retrieve/redefine (See definitions below) Mainly for easy reading.
hands = get(gcf,'userdata');
pos = get(gcbf,'position');
checkd = hands(1); % For user to choose to decode a MSG.
checke = hands(2); % For user to choose to encode a MSG.
edit1 = hands(3); % Space for user to enter MSG.
edit2 = hands(4); % Space for user to enter key.
frame1 = hands(5);
frame2 = hands(6);
push1 = hands(7); % Indicates user is done entering MSG.
push2 = hands(8); % Indicates user is done entering KEY.
static1 = hands(9);
static2 = hands(10);
static3 = hands(11);
static4 = hands(12);
static5 = hands(13);
switch arg
case 'initialize' % Creation of GUI and storage of handles.
counter=0; % This is where the length of MSG is stored.
h_fig = figure('name','Text Hider','position',[460 760 300 80],...
col = get(h_fig,'color');
checkd=uicontrol(h_fig,'style','checkbox','position',[140 20 60 20],...
checke=uicontrol(h_fig,'style','checkbox','position',[140 50 60 20],...
'string','Enter the message you wish to hide.',...
static2=uicontrol(h_fig,'style','text','position',[30 33 75 20],...
'strin','Choose one:','fontweight','bold',...
'string','Enter the key for decoding.',...
'string','Message Length:',...
hands=[checkd checke edit1 edit2 frame1 frame2 push1 push2 static1...
static2 static3 static4 static5];
set(h_fig,'userdata',hands); % Store handles in figures userdata.
case 'encode' % The user has chosen to encode a MSG.
set(gcbf,'position',[pos(1) pos(2)-300 300 380]);
set(checkd,'enable','off','position',[140 320 60 20]);
set(checke,'position',[140 350 60 20],'enable','off');
set(edit1,'visible','on','position',[30 50 245 200],'fontsize',...
10,'string',[' Maximum Number of Characters ',...
' is 1000. See Counter Below'],'foregroundcolor',...
'red'); % Issue a reminder about the max MSG length.
set(frame1,'visible','on','position',[30 295 245 3],...
set(push1,'visible','on','position',[230 10 45 28]);
set(static1,'visible','on','position',[30 260 245 20]);
set(static2,'position',[30 333 75 20]);
set(static4,'visible','on','position',[28 4 100 28]);
set(static5,'visible','on','position',[130 4 50 28]);
pause(1.75); % Displays reminder only a short time.
case 'decode' % The user has decided to decode a MSG.
set(gcbf,'position',[pos(1) pos(2)-110 300 190]);
set(checkd,'enable','off','position',[140 130 60 20]);
set(checke,'enable','off','position',[140 160 60 20]);
set(edit2,'visible','on','position',[30 40 245 30]);
set(frame1,'position',[30 110 245 3],'visible','on',...
set(push2,'visible','on','position',[130 7 45 28]);
set(static2,'position',[30 143 75 20]);
set(static3,'visible','on','position',[30 75 245 20]);
case 'done1' % The user is done entering the MSG to encode.
set(gcbf,'position',[pos(1) pos(2)-140 300 520]);
set(checkd,'position',[140 460 60 20]);
set(checke,'position',[140 490 60 20]);
set(edit1,'position',[30 190 245 200],'enable','off');
set(edit2,'visible','on','position',[30 60 245 30]);
set(frame1,'position',[30 435 245 3]);
set(frame2,'position',[30 133 245 3],'visible','on',...
set(push1,'position',[230 150 45 28],'enable','off');
set(push2,'visible','on','position',[130 20 45 28]);
set(static1,'position',[30 400 245 20]);
set(static2,'position',[30 473 75 20]);
set(static3,'visible','on','position',[30 95 245 20]);
set(static4,'position',[28 144 100 28]);
set(static5,'position',[130 144 50 28])
if isempty(get(edit1,'string')) % User tried to encode nothing!
fprintf('\n\t\t No message entered, try again.\n\n')
case 'done2' % User has entered the key for use in encoding/decoding.
en_or_de = get(checke,'value'); % Is user encoding or decoding?
if en_or_de==1 % Encoding.
key = get(edit2,'string');
if isempty(key) % Check if user tried to encode with no KEY.
fprintf('\n\t\t No key entered, try again.\n\n');
msg = get(edit1,'string');
[i j] = size(msg); % Useful if user hit 'return' in MSG.
if i >1
msg = reshape(msg',1,i*j); % MSG should be 1 by n.
wrkd = encode(msg,key); % Pass to encode function.
if isempty(wrkd) % User hit cancel when choosing a file.
fprintf('\n\t\t Operation aborted.\n\n');
fprintf('\t\t\n Your message was encoded.\n\n');
else % Decoding.
key = get(edit2,'string');
if isempty(key) % Check if user tried to dencode with no KEY.
fprintf('\n\t\t No key entered, try again.\n\n')
msg=decode(key); % Pass to decode function.
if isempty(msg) % User hit cancel when choosing a file.
fprintf('\n \t\t Operation aborted.\n\n')
close(gcbf); % New figure is created next to display MSG.
h_fig = figure('name','The Message','position',...
[460 460 300 380],'menubar','none');
stat = uicontrol(h_fig,'style','edit','position',...
[30 40 245 300],'string',msg,'fontsize',9,...
stat2 = uicontrol(h_fig,'style','text','position',...
[30 355 245 20],'string','Your Message:',...
case 'count' % This is where the length of MSG is counted.
if isempty(ch) || ch==13
elseif ch==8
counter = get(edit1,'userdata')-1;
counter = get(edit1,'userdata')+1; % Retrieve current length.
if counter > 990 % Issue a warning when getting close to limit.
end % End switch
%----------New Function Starts Below--------------------------------------
function success = encode(msg,key)
% ENCODE(msg,key) Encodes a text message using a key.
% This works by using the ascii number representation of the chars in
% KEY (and certain permutations) to create coordinate pairs that represent
% the places in matrix A (which is a submatrix of the pic matrix) where the
% unit alterations to the pic matrix will be made. I tried to make the
% code easy to follow, but I will respond to questions about how this
% works.
num2add = 1000-length(msg); % Number of spaces to add to end of MSG.
if num2add < 0, error('This message is too long to encode.'), end
newmsg = [msg,repmat(' ',1,num2add)]; % 1000 chars always encoded.
msgmat = dec2bin(newmsg)-48; % Each row is a bin. rep. of an ascii char.
[filen pth]=uigetfile({'*.bmp';'*.tif';'*.jpg'},'Choose Image To Encode.');
if isequal(filen,0) || isequal(pth,0)
success = []; return % User cancelled.
pic1 = imread([pth filen]);
B = pic1(:,:,1); [piclngth pichght] = size(B); % Choose the first page.
dim1 = piclngth-2; dim2 = pichght-3; keyb = key(end:-1:1);
rows = cumsum(double(key));
columns = cumsum(double(keyb)); % Coord pairs for KEY (rows,columns)
A = zeros(dim1,dim2); % This matrix will house the hiding points.
A = crtmtrx(A,rows,columns,dim1,dim2,key);
idx = find(A==1); % This same index will be used for pic matrix.
for vv = 1:1000 % This is the encoder.
for uu = 1:7
if msgmat(vv,uu)==1;
if rem(B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))),2)==0
B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))) = B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1)))+1;
elseif rem(B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))),2)==1
B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))) = B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1)))-1;
newpic = pic1; newpic(:,:,1) = B;
[filen pth] = uiputfile({'*.bmp';'*.tif'},'Save Encoded File As');
if isequal(filen,0) || isequal(pth,0)
success = []; return
end % User cancelled.
imwrite(newpic,[pth filen])
success = 1;
%----------New Function Starts Below--------------------------------------
function msg = decode(key)
% DECODE(key) Decodes the message hidden by encode in pic, using key.
[filen pth] = uigetfile({'*.bmp';'*.tif'},'Choose Image To Decode.');
if isequal(filen,0) || isequal(pth,0)
msg = []; return
end % User cancelled.
pic2 = imread([pth filen]);
B = pic2(:,:,1); [piclngth pichght] = size(B); % Choose the top page.
dim1 = piclngth-2; dim2 = pichght-3; keyb = key(end:-1:1);
rows = cumsum(double(key)); columns = cumsum(double(keyb));
A = zeros(dim1,dim2); % This matrix houses the hiding points.
A = crtmtrx(A,rows,columns,dim1,dim2,key);
idx = find(A==1); msgmat = zeros(1000,7);
for vv = 1:1000 % This is the decoder.
for uu = 1:7
if rem(B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))),2)==1
msgmat(vv,uu) = 1;
msg = char(bin2dec(num2str(msgmat)))';
%----------New Function Starts Below--------------------------------------
function A = crtmtrx(A,rows,columns,dim1,dim2,key)
% Creates the matrix used to find the points to hide the message.
jj = 1; idx = 1;
while 7000 > length(idx) % Need 7000 points to hide 1000 characters.
for ii = 1:length(rows)
if rows(ii) < dim1
rows(ii) = rem(dim1,rows(ii))+1;
rows(ii) = rem(rows(ii),dim1)+1;
if columns(ii) < dim2
columns(ii) = rem(dim2,columns(ii))+1;
columns(ii) = rem(columns(ii),dim2)+1;
A(rows(ii),columns(ii)) = 1;
rows = jj*cumsum(double(columns))+round(dim2/2); % Each pass is diff.
columns = jj*cumsum(double(rows))+round(dim1/2);
if jj > ceil(7000/length(key))+2 % Estimate how many iters. needed.
idx = find(A==1);
jj = jj+1;
Hi, Would u mind to tell me what methods u used in image steganography code?
It is LSB technique
its working but option to select for encode, decode is like a checkbox. when i select an option it doesn't work. I am using this as a m-file. can u help. pls help urgently.
Hi, how does the encoding logic work? if the msg bit is 1 and the corresponding pixel value of B is even you make it odd else even, but when we traced it, the points of B who's value was changed was different from the points got from the program.. we're going wrong somewhere understanding the logic, can you help us?
im recieving an error when i enter a key to encode.
??? Error using ==> encode
Not enough input arguments.
Error in ==> txthide at 154
wrkd = encode(msg,key); % Pass to encode function.
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.
m i making a mistake in enering a key? please guide me for this either mail me the solution to this prblem
The code is working fine
and its output link:
hye..i'm interested with your coding. could this coding be modified according bits that we want to replace with the text? i'm doing my thesis about effect of bmp image using lsb method, and i focused on bit manipulation. hope you can help me..
hey, Priyabrata, would you mind to tell me whether you used dwt method?
Plz tell working of below code : -
if rem(B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))),2)==0
B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))) = B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1)))+1;
elseif rem(B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))),2)==1
B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1))) = B(idx(uu+7*(vv-1)))-1;
Do u mind giving the algorithm of your code...... please.....
Hi, how does the encoding logic work?
Can you tell me the algorithm you have used in encoding and decoding?
Can we hide this data in videos and audio, please give the code for that too. pls
can u please say me the algorithm techniq u used in this code
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